Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No Luck at Campus Placements?

Smriti was having sleepless nights. The worries kept her awake. The final semester was coming to an end and she would be completing her degree next month. While some of her batch mates had been placed, she and a few others were still struggling. As the campus placement drive had ended, there was little hope.

She would be moving with her parents next month if she’s left jobless. They are looking forward to it, but Smriti is not. Her aim is to be independent, to get a job, to have a life of her own.

She came to me last week asking for help. I gave her a few tips. I also jotted them down for my readers. So here you go:

  1. Do not solely depend on Campus Placements: We all look forward to campus placements but it is not a good idea to depend solely on the campus. Look for means outside the campus, use your contacts, network with people, your college alumni, job boards, professional networking websites. Just spread the word that you are available in the job market. The employers are always on a hunt for good resources and if you are talented, you have a good chance of getting noticed.
  2. Do NOT upload and forget: The first thing most us do when we look for a job is to upload out resume on job portals like and However, I always recommend people that your job is not finished after the resume has been published. You must constantly keep updating your resume, so that the employer knows that you are actively looking for a job. For example, I will never call a person who has not updated his/her resume in past 4 months assuming that he/she might have got a job already.
  3. AUDIT your online presence:  After the introduction of social media, micro blogging and professional media websites, the world has really shrunk. Most of the organizations do a thorough background check of their prospective employees. Do a thorough check of all your online profiles and if there is something you do not want your employer to see, just delete or hide it.
  4. Make use of professional networking websites: LinkedIn is one such well known website. You can make your profile, join groups, subscribe for jobs, network on LinkedIn. Employers these days are extensively using LinkedIn for hunting talent
I hope it helps you and Smriti.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"SUCCESS" That's what we all want

Success is one word that all of us adore. We all want to be successful. As children, we wanted to get good grades in school, win that drawing competition, success in class test, winning that inter school challenge, success in board exams, cracking the entrance examination, getting admission in that college, landing that dream job. The desire for success never fades throughout life. Various workshops and seminars are being conducted throughout the world on how to become successful. Organizations spend millions in achieving success. But how does one really become successful. Here are some pointers for you all 
  • Stand Out and get Noticed: The only way to stand out in a job is "Hard Work". Most people shy away from assignments that are tough. The chance is all yours. Take up the challenging assignments and deliver on time.
  • Attitude: Yes, attitude does matter. A lot, in fact. Act pleasant and act like you want to be there. Don't just do your work, but strive to do your work in the best possible way.
  • Upgrade your Knowledge: Keeping yourself updated with the latest buzz in the corporate world is of utmost importance. Read, read and read to upgrade your knowledge
  • Relation with your Manager: Nothing can be better than sharing a good bond with your manager. But, it is not always necessary that all of us will really get along well with our respective Managers. Even if your boss is a jerk (I've known a few of those) show respect. You have to be around this person everyday and making things worse won't help.
  • Know when to speak: Don't brag about your accomplishments, just wait for them to be noticed.  If you brag about your accomplishments, you may be seen as a showoff, and appear to be insincere and trying too hard.
  • Do not Pretend: Don't pretend to know things you don't. Just be honest and say that you don't know.  If you pretend to know things you don't, you may think you are fooling people, and at first you may be, but sooner or later others will start to see right through it.
Above all, be patient and remember that things do take time. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Should I join a startup?

As a student, I often dreamed about the days my internship will start so that I can get a chance to earn a good stipend and the things I would do with the money. I knew that the stipend would be limited but my wish list was endless.

When the internship interviews started, I was very excited. I appeared for various interviews and luckily got internship offers from two organizations. One was a very famous multi national bank and another was a startup (a small organization with only five employees that had just started up). The bank on one hand was offering a generous stipend while the startup had informed me I will get substantial learning but not any stipend.

I decided to talk to both the employers in detail about their expectations from me. The bank informed me that I would be required to do sales and it would majorly be out door. I didn’t have any problem with that as long as I get good learning experience. When I spoke to the startup, the CEO was very informative about the things I would be required to do. It was all about learning in almost every field possible. A little bit of marketing, a bit of HR, some of the administration and even a little R&D would be a part of my job. I was confused. On one hand was a brand name offering good money and on the other was a lesser known organization that had not even starting making considerable revenue yet.

I spoke to a few friends and family members. All of them suggested me to go with the much renowned bank. I had made my decision already. I just wanted to check what others think about it.

As you may have guessed, I picked the offer from the startup. The day I joined, I was given a detailed orientation by a colleague. They had set their expectations already and wanted me to perform. I had to work eight to nine hours every day. I was given a laptop and was expected to be very prompt on email. I had to take out time for my project report as well, that I did late nights and weekends. They made me work really hard, I was always busy. Moreover I did not get any money for putting my heart and soul into it. But what I got is priceless. I got the mentoring from senior people, I worked directly under geniuses and copied their working style. The energy, enthusiasm, clarity, vision and planning of those people was amazing.

My batch mates on the other hand had a fun time. Some of them went to their office twice a week, some even went home and stayed with their parents, some went on a vacation.

But when we met in the next semester class, I knew that I was the superior one. The one with more knowledge, more experience and a better chance of getting a good placement.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Art of Denying an Offer

A friend of mine who was looking for a job, got joining offers from 4 good organizations. The ball was in his court now. He had to pick the one best suited to his aims and goals.
He came to me for the advise and I told him to accept the one his heart tells him to, but do not forget to inform the ones you are not joining. He seemed surprised and said "Why would I do that" the discussion ended and he decided to not pick up the calls from the companies he had decided not to join.
When he joined the organization he had decided to, he was assigned a project that was not relevant to his skills. No surprises, he could not perform. He was stuck. He had lost those organizations who had extended him an offer letter earlier. It was too embarrassing for him to call them back and check if the position was still open.
However, only if he had been courteous enough to inform them timely that he is not joining, things would have looked different. He could have gone to one of those organizations to check if they still had that position open. But now he was an unhappy, non performing employee who would probably not get a salary hike.
I have come across several such people in the past 8 years. I always say that only a brilliant person will have joining offers from multiple organizations. Turning an offer down is fine, but not informing them is not cool. It shows your attitude, attitude that you do not bother, that you do not care.
So if you at any point of time, have more than one offer in hand always remember to inform the one you are turning down. It is not easy to say no. You definitely need balls to do that. Write them an email or give them a call. The choice is yours. But inform them as soon as possible. The organizations do have deadlines and their projects could go on a toll if they do not have the resources at the right time. If you inform them well in advance, they will go ahead and hire someone else. They will thank you for that. Trust me on this, accepting the offer and not showing up is the worst thing you could do to an employer.
So, pick up that phone or better still send them an email.
All the best